Empowering the Next generation of Web3 users.

Connect wallet

We are committed to creating a more sustainable, equitable future for everyone through the power of blockchain technology.

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Industry-leading Solutions

Powered by Web3

Build your DApps with the Launchpad blockchain

With a higher level of performance and scalability,
we're building an easy platform that makes it possible to create decentralized applications,
as well as get access to DeFi, NFTs and the Metaverse.




Dedicated throughput/resources, fully customizable tech stack, sovereign governance



Industry dominance, established tech stack, tools, languages, standards, enterprise adoption



Industry dominance, established tech stack, Dedicated blockchains, scalable consensus algorithms, custom Wasm execution environments tools, languages, standards, enterprise adoption


Eth Compatibility

Industry dominance, established tech stack, tools, languages, standards, enterprise adoption

3D Asset

Who we are

“ Launchpad is an innovative environment born out of Africa with the drive to usher in web3 integrations at a greater scale. We provide users with an extremely fast, secure, and low-fee environment to transact, for both enterprise and retail uses.
Launchpad is home to digital money, having a flourishing community that is building an entire ecosystem for decentralized finance, digital proof of ownership, and NFTs on our public ledger, decentralized infrastructure, and applications.
FuzionX is brought to you by Launchpad. ”

Build on Launchpad


Smart Contract

Launchpad is an innovative solution to bring programmability and interoperability.

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NFTs on our FuzionX product gives users a new dimension into their web3 portfolio

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Launchpad VS Other Blockchains

To fully appreciate Launchpad, we are putting it against the very best and most popular blockchains using the following criteria: Transaction Output, Transaction Finality, Energy Efficiency, Number of Validators, Sybil Protection and Safety Threshold.

icon Bitcoin
icon Ethereum
icon Polkadot
Transactional Throughput
7 tps
14 tps
1500 tps
> 300K tps
Transactional Finality
60 min
6 min
60 sec
< 1.5 sec
Energy Efficiency
No; ASIC-Optimal
No; GPU-Optimal
Yes; CPU-Optimal
Yes; CPU-Optimal
Number of Validators
3 pools w/>551%
2 pools w/>551%
<200 nodes
Hundreds of nodes
Sybil Protection
Proof of Work
Proof of Work
Proof of Stake
Proof of Authority
Safety Threshold
80% parameterized
3D Asset

What You Can Build

Launchpad is an EVM that is secure, fast and compatible with smart contracts. Indeed, LaunchpadBlockchain does have extensive use cases. Ensure that you give your project a secure and safe foundation by creating them on our blockchain. From dApps and NFTs to blockchain-backed tokens, here are some of the projects users can build on the Launchpad.


Solidity dApps

Decentralized Apps Written In solidity are fully compatible with ZenithChain.


Fixed Cap Assets

Fungible Assets With Fixed Capital. Total Number Of Assets Remain The Same.


Variable Cap Assets

Fungible Assets With Variable Capital. Total Number Of Assets Change Over Time.


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

An assets or collectible that Represents Something unique.


Decentralised Finance Apps

Web3's answer to traditional finance. DeFi does not sleep, nor does it discriminate.


Dive into the integrated worlds of DeFi and CeFi trading with FuzionX.

Easily buy, sell, trade and discover new digital assets and begin your decentralized finance journey.

Trade 200+ cryptos on FuzionX Exchange across 175 countries

Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, and the top altcoins on the legendary crypto-asset exchange.

3D Asset

FuzionX Exchange

Buy, trade, and hold 175+ cryptocurrencies on FuzionXX


FuzionX DeFi-Zone

Buy, trade, and hold 175+ cryptocurrencies on FuzionXX


Creating new Opportunities in Web 3 and Crypto

LaunchpadVentures offers financial and strategic support to crypto and Web 3.0 builders equipping them with deep insights into the industry's global resources to help them succeed!

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Ready to start?

Join Launchpadtoday and get your hands on our top-notch services

Still Have Questions? Contact Us
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We have a series of fascinating projects that we cannot wait to offer our community members.

They include:

  • Q3 2022
    • Release of FuzionX the industry-first scalable Cefi to Defi Ecosystem.
    • White Paper 2.0.
    • Decentralized exchange V2 release.
    • Industry-first secure bridging architecture.
    • Launch The LaunchpadDeveloper Help Program.
    • FuzionX mobile application release.
    • Integration of new partners and services to expand network.
  • Q4 2022
    • Building of the Onchain Automated Clearing House (ACH) for real Fuzionx Pay.
    • Launch the LaunchpadDeveloper Startup Program.
    • Preliminary completion of on-chain governance-related smart contracts and token economy system .
    • Creation of Launchpad Ventures to help support Dapps built on the network.
    • Launch Fuzionx Pay a wallet powered by Global debit cards.
    • improve Launchpad to a fast scalable beacon blockchain.
    • Welcome in more validators.
    • Launch USDT and USDC Peg stable coins.
    • Launch BTC and ETH Pegged Tokens.
  • Q1 2023
    • Launch BNB, SOL, Doge Peg Tokens.
    • Extended EVM & solidity support.
    • Scale FuzionX to a tier 2 exchange with over $300M in daily trade volume.
    • Developer community and toolchain to allow for more integrations.